Recent Innovations in Smart Grid and Renewable Energy (RISGRE-2020)

The international conference on “Recent Innovaons in Smart Grid and Renewable Energy” (RISGRE-2020)” is a conference or ganized by Depa rtment of E E E , JBI E T, T S , Indi a . The theme of the conference is Smart Grid and Renewable Energy for Sustainable Development and will be held on 9th -10th January 2020 at JBIET, TS, India. The Conference focuses on the latest technologies, strategies and challenges that are faced by power Electronics systems, Electric Drives, Renewable Energy resources and the interconnecon to modern power systems and the operaon in the smart grid environment for a beer, smarter and more environment-friendly Power System. The goal of RISGRE is to provide a plaorm for Conference on selected topics of contemporary interest. The conference provides a unique forum for the exchange of knowledge and informaon among the professionals across the globe. The Oral and Poster Sessions of the conference will highlight the latest research and development efforts.

Key Members

speaker name
Dr. J Bhaskar Rao

Founder, JB Group

speaker name
Shri J.V Krishna Rao

Secretary, JBES

speaker name
Dr. S. Sudhakara Reddy

Principal, JBIET

speaker name
Mr. R. Suresh Babu

Head of department, E.E.E

Contact with us

  • Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering
    J.B. Insitiute of Engineering and Technology
    Bhaskar Nagar, Yenkepally Village, Moinabad Mandal
    R.R. District, Hyderabad
    Telangana State , India-500075

  • Dr. K. Shiva Rama Krishna : 9703790000
    Mr. P. Venubabu : 9493049492



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