Mining Engineering of JBIET started in the academic year 2011-2012 with an annual student intake of 60. This course is approved by AICTE and affiliated to JNTUH.
Mining Engineering Department is handled by a team of highly qualified and motivated faculty.

Mr. B. Rakesh Kumar
To impart academic excellence, technological vibrance, innovation, leadership, entrepreneurship, life-long learning, and self-motivation to excel in the students for their bright future in the mining industry.
To enrich the students with professionalism, emotional maturity, and accountability to prepare them to face the endless challenges in the mining industry.
To make the students well-informed with the everchanging trends and sustainable development practices in the mining industry.
To ensure the holistic development of the students to prepare them as future leaders.
- Geology Lab with all types of minerals & rocks that should know by a Mining Student
- A well setup of Mine Environmental Engineering (Mine Ventilation) lab with major equipements like Gas Detectors, Anemometers, Latest model In-Built CAP LAMPs etc.- First Engineering college in AP having these many Ventilation lab equipments.
- Two more labs ie. Mineral Processing lab and Rock Mechanics lab are already established with latest available instruments.
- Surveying Lab having all the required instruments like Prismatic Compass, Dumpy Levels, Theodolites, Total Station etc.
Department has very well equipped laboratories such as Geology, Electrical & Electronics and Mechanical, under the supervision of respective Engineering Departments.
Major Equipments
Mining Environmental Engineering Lab
- Anemometer
- Whirling Hygrometer
- Kata Thermometer
- Pressure gauges 0- 60 Pa
- Pressure gauges 0- 250 Pa
- Pressure gauges 0-1500 Pa
- Multi gas detectors
- Methane gas detectors
- In-built LED cap lamps
- External battery cap lamps
- Cup type anemometers
- Flame safety lamps
- Auxiliary fan
- Centrifugal fan
- Ventilation system in Bord & Pillar mining method
Mineral Processing lab
- Jaw crusher
- Ball Mill
- Roll crusher
- Mineral Jig
- Wilfey Table
- Flotation cell
- Sieve shaker with sieves
- Riffle Sampler
- Magnetic Separator
- Weight Balance
- Strokes Apparatus
Rock Mechanics Lab
- Grindability index apparatus
- Protodyakonav apparatus for measuring rock properties
- Rock Anchorage testing machine
- Strokes apparatus
- Brazilian Testing apparatus
- Point Load index tester
- Slake Durability apparatus
- Concrete Schimidst hammer
- Triaxial system testing for Nx, Bx samples
- Strain guage
- Flatjack
- Different types of supports
- Laboratory oven
Mine Geology Lab
- Minerals – 48
- Rocks – 50
- Charts consisting of description of minerals and rocks.
- Structural Models – 6
- Microscope.
Mine Surveying Lab
- Chains 20m & 30m
- Prismatic compass
- Dumpy levels
- Auto level
- Plane Tables
- Theodolite
- Total station
- Tapes 20m & 30m
Professional Bodies
SME - JBIET is a student society formed under the department of Mining Engineering,J.B.Institute of Engineering and Technology with the sole objective of uniting the Mining engineers all over the nation and creating a new tech -revolution.we conduct technical fests , workshops etc for the Mining Engineering students and provides a platform for them to showcase their talents alongside developing their technical skills.We have framed a student's association having the legal authority and responsibility to as an official, incorporated, representative body for our members.We build credibility through transparent and accountable governance, consistent and effective management, principled advocacy and successful operations.
Our solid foundation is based on dedicated and passionate staff and students.The Students’ Association seeks to understand and adapt to our members’ needs through engagement, outreach, communication, representation, advocacy, peer support, and service provision. We are an integral part of the student experience.The Students’ Association cultivates healthy, productive, and sustainable relationships internally and externally. We collaborate with campus and community groups to provide the best experiences and opportunities for our members. We are the vibrant hub of the campus community.
The Students’ Association pursues the best ways to meet the needs of our members through innovative practices, continual professional development, and systematic evaluation. We are always striving to be better.
- Mr.Arun, Roll no.13671A2502(2013-17 batch) got GOLD medal for achieving overall college topper for the year 2013-17
- Final year students of 2014-18 batch Mr.K.Aravind reddy and Ashok Reddy got placed in M/s RAMCO cements Ltd.
- Our final year students of 2014-18 participated in National Mining day observed on November 1st organized by MEAI-Hyderabad. Student participated in many events like quiz, debate, essay writing competion, elocution and won many prizes.
Papers Published
- B.Tech 2nd yr students Mr.Akhil Chandra, Mr.Raj shekar and Mr.Raghunandan participated in a State Level Technical Fest conducted by Mother Therissa Engineering College, Peddapalli, Karimnagar Dist. They got 2nd Prize in paper presentation.
- Mining Engineering students of JBIET participated in a National Level Technical Fest conducted by Godhavari Institute of Engg & Tech, Rajhamundry on 28th & 29th March and won 2nd prize in Paper Presentaion. Prize distribution done by Mr. Laxminarayana, Director of Mines Safety
- Mining Engineering students of JBIET are participated in a National Technical Fest conducted by Mother Therissa Engineering college, Peddapalli, Karimnagar District and got 11 prizes in all the events including first prize in Paper presentation, Technical Quiz, Video Presentation and Model Presentation.
GATE Qualified
The follow students got admitted into M.Tech during this current academic year (2017-18) based on their GATE ranks and entrance test conducted by IIT's
- A Arun (Roll no.13671A2502) -- IIT Kharagpur
- P.Harish (Roll no.13671A2528) -- IIT BHU Varanasi
- D.Himalay(Roll no.13671A2508)-- IIT ISM Dhanbad
- M.Manohar (Roll no.11671A2527)- IIT BHU Varanasi
The following Mining Engineering students of 2013-17 batch secured All India Ranks in GATE 2017
- A.Arun (Roll No.13671A2502) AIR 36
- M.Murali (Roll No.14675A2510) AIR 282
- P.Harish (Roll No.13671A2528) AIR 414
- T.Akhil Chandra (Roll No.13671A2538) AIR 594
The following B.Tech final yr students got qualified and got all india ranks in GATE 2016.
- Mr.P.Sagar (AIR 386)
- RES Chaitanya(AIR 400)
- Raviteja (AIR 415)
- Anil (AIR 432)
- Madhu Jadhav (AIR 786)
The following students got admitted into M.Tech based on their GATE performance and entrance test conducted by IIT's
- K. Anil Kumar (Roll No.1267142535) - IIT-BHU, Varanasi
- RES Chaitanya (Roll No.12671A2511) - IIT-BHU, Varanasi
- I.Jayanth (Roll No.12671A2520) - IIT-ISM, Dhanbad
- G.Amarendar (Roll No.1261A2529) - IIT-ISM, Dhanbad
- M.Raviteja (Roll.No. 12671A2525) - IIEST, Kolkata
- D.Bharath (Roll No. 12671A2514) - IIT-ISM,Dhanbad
Sports/extra curricular activities
- Mr. Akhil Chandra and P.Harish, students of IIIrd yr Mining participated in a State level technical fest "SRUJANA" conducted by ABVP from April 3rd to 6th at Karminagar. They won overall 2nd Prize in Mining and Mechanical category. Paper presented is " Underground Coal Gasification".
- A cricket team from Mining department won 1st prize in CLIQUE college level Cricket tournament organised by ECE department on 7th to 9th January.
- Mr.Ameerul Huda B.Tech Mining student won Ist prize in 100m run in JNTUH university level inter college tournament organized by Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad on the occasion of Engineer's day on 18/09/2014.
- Mr.Ameerul Huda B.Tech Mining student won 3rd prize in Long Jump conducted by VNR Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engg & Tech, Hyderabad during March 2015.
- Mr.Ameerul Huda B.Tech Mining student won 2nd prize in 400m run in Inter college Sports event organized by St.Martin College of Engineering, Hyderabad during March 2015.
- Mr.Ameerul Huda B.Tech Mining student won 2nd prize in 100m run in JNTUH central zonal level inter college tournament organized by Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad during October 2015.
- B.Tech Mining students participated in Cricket (Men) State level tourney 2015, CNR ground Nagole Hyderabad during 3rd to 15th August 2015 and got first prize.